
Robert Morrissey (PI) is the Benjamin Franklin Professor of French in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Founder and Director of the ARTFL Project (American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language), one of the oldest and most well-established digital humanities projects, he is general editor of the ARTFL online edition of Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie. Situated at the confluence of literature and poetics on the one hand and ideology and politics on the other, his work concentrates on themes, topoi, and cultural currents over the longue durée.

Clovis Gladstone is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and the Associate Director of the ARTFL Project. He holds a doctorate in French Literature from the University of Chicago and specializes in French Early-Modern history, and more particularly 18th-century materialism and political discourse. As a longtime member of the ARTFL Project, he has been leading the development of PhiloLogic for several years, as well as developing a range of data-mining and machine learning techniques for text analysis. This includes the development of the Commonplace Cultures project, the TextPAIR sequence alignment tool, as well as the TopoLogic topic-modeling browser. He has presented his work at many conferences, as well as published a number of articles and case studies combining computational methods and traditional text analysis.

Mark Olsen has been the Assistant Director of the ARTFL Project since 1988. He received a PhD from the University of Ottawa in 1991 in part for his dissertation which examined the Société de 1789, a political club founded by Condorcet and Sieyes created to foster the application of Enlightenment thought into Revolution.  A significant part of that early work was the development of computer systems to analyze political discourse with particular focus on quantitative text analysis and collocations. As part of his work at the ARTFL Project, Mark has been particularly interested in establishing the large collection of Revolutionary materials upon which this project is in part based.  He has published widely in Digital Humanities, with particular focus on the intersection of critical theory and computation, development of large scale text analysis systems, and integration of  methods drawn from computer science and bioinformatics into humanistic text analysis.  Mark worked closely with the development team regarding the technical requirements of this project, having been lead developer of PhiloLogic3, PhiloLine and PhiloMine, which were the core ARTFL packages for a number of years. 

Charles Cooney is long-time member of the ARTFL Project who has developed a range of digitized text resources for ARTFL as well as for Electronic Text Services and the Digital South Asia Library Project based in the University of Chicago’s Regenstein Library. He has extensive experience building federated search platforms for large-scale text and image collections; has worked with a wide range of data mining and modeling techniques; and has developed the codebase for nearly two dozen mobile apps — both Android and iOS — for text and language study. With a doctorate in comparative literature from UChicago, Charles has also conducted and published algorithmic-based text scholarship.

Jordan Pruett is a Ph.D candidate in the English department at the University of Chicago, where he works on 19th and 20th century American literature and computational methods. His dissertation, “Stars and Serials: Literary Form and Mode of Production Since 1960,” leverages text mining methods to understand how literary style responded to changes in the American publishing industry after 1960. 

Supporting Scholars:

  • Keith M. Baker, Professor of Early Modern European History, Stanford University
  • Nicholas E. Cronk, Director of the Voltaire Foundation, Professor of French Literature and Lecturer in the History of the Book, University of Oxford

Advisory Board:

  • Gregory S. Brown, General Editor, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment and Professor of History, University of Nevada
  • Daniel Edelstein, Professor of French, Stanford University
  • Daniel Gordon, Professor of History, University of Massachusetts–Amherst
  • Christophe Martin, Professeur des universités, Sorbonne Université
  • Katherine McDonough, Research Associate in History, Living with Machines Project, Turing Institute
  • Glenn Roe, Professor of French Literature and Digital Humanities, Sorbonne Université
  • Kent Wright, Associate Professor of History, Arizona State University